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International organisations

Here you’ll find links to international centres and repositories hosting a wealth of arts and health research and resources. You can also download research and evidence reports.

Artworks Alliance, UK 

The vision of ArtWorks Alliance is "Better participatory arts work" and its values embrace collective support through collaborative action. It has a searchable knowledge bank of free evaluations, reports, toolkits and case studies about participatory arts. For more


Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance, UK 

A UK sector support organisation, launched in March 2018 for the cultural sector and funded by Arts Council EnglandIt aims to connect everyone who believes that creative and cultural engagement can transform our health and wellbeing. For more


Arts and Health South West, UK

This is an information, support and advocacy organisation for everyone who believes in the value of creativity in enhancing health and wellbeing. It has free research, resources, blogs, events, updates on arts in health policy and practice in the UK. For more


National Centre for Creative Ageing, US

Its vision is: A world that is more equitable and age-friendly because the arts are recognized as integral to the health and well-being of older adults. It's a comprehensive resource hub providing free access to creative ageing research and resources. For more


Arts Health Network Canada

Canada's primary arts and health knowledge-sharing, networking and capacity-building hub, helping to promote and facilitate the development and growth of arts and health initiatives across Canada. It has free access to online information, research and resources. For more

Download an infographic by Arts Health Network Canada insight into the arts for health. 


Arts and Health Ireland

This website provides a resource and focal point for the field of arts and health in Ireland via information, support, advice and news, and generates discussion between artists, arts organisations, health service users, carers, healthcare professionals and others interested in the dynamic area of arts and health. For more


Engage, UK 

Engage is a lead advocacy and training network for gallery education. Fee-paying membership organisations have access to resources and opportunities that support artists and educators working in arts venues, galleries and museums. For more

















































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