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Many individuals and organisations have contributed to the development and launch of Te Ora Auaha. We thank the following individuals, groups and organisations.

Organisations that contributed to consultation and the co-design hui

University of Auckland; University of Waikato; University of Otago; Arts Access Aotearoa; Whitecliffe College of Art and Design; Creative New Zealand; ANZACATA (Australia, New Zealand and Asia Arts Therapies Association; Ara Taiohi; Museums Aotearoa; Mental Health Foundation; The Big Idea; Auckland Council; Artists Alliance; Waitemata DHB; Canterbury DHB; Creative Spaces Networks; CAN (Creative Access Network); Arts in Corrections Network; Multiple organisations delivering arts and health programmes; Otautahi Creative Spaces; Corbans Estate Arts Centre; Creative Collaborative; Art Māpura Studios; Circability Trust; Susan Jordan PLC; Toi Ora Trust; Taurima Vibes; Mount Albert Community Club; Changing Minds; Interacting Theatre; Arts Therapy in Schools and numerous individual art therapists and artists.

Te Ora Auaha working group (2017-19):

Dr Lucy D’Aeth - Public Health Specialist, Canterbury District Health Board

Taimi Allen - CEO, Changing Minds

Richard Benge - Executive Director, Arts Access Aotearoa

Moira Cluney - Research and Information Manager, Mental Health Foundation

Katherine Hall - Otago University/ Practising GP, Dunedin

Amanda Levey - Programme Director, Arts Therapy Whitecliffe College of Art and Design, Secretary ANZACATA (Australia, New Zealand, Asia Creative Arts Therapies Association)

Briar Monro - Arts Practice Director, Community and Youth, Creative New Zealand

Kim Morton - Manager, Otautahi Creative Spaces, Christchurch

Dr Molly Mullen - Lecturer and researcher, University of Auckland

Asha Munn - Art psychotherapist, Waitemata District Health Board

Prof. Peter O’Connor - Director, Creative Thinking Project, University of Auckland

Tiffany Singh - Social practice artist

Bōni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho - Kaiwhakahaere Matua- Taurima Vibes Ltd/, Community Arts Broker, Director- Auckland Fringe Festival

Amber Walls - Researcher, Creative Collaborative, Auckland Council

Funding and other major support 

The University of Auckland's Creative Thinking Project, Working Together More Fund,  Arts Access Aotearoa, Whitecliffe College of Art and Design, ANZACATA, Creative New Zealand






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