Session three Session two from Culture, Health and Wellbeing 2021 provides insights into Aotearoa’s rich body of youth arts practice which draws from western, indigenous Māori and Pacific Island world views and creative practices.
Huia O’Sullivan shares the incredible work with young people at Ngā Rangatahi Toa in Auckland, Molly Mullen from the University of Auckland, and Amber Walls from Auckland Council share research from two different projects which focus on the practice environment, issues of funding and resourcing, and young people’s perspectives on how the arts uniquely promote their mental wellbeing.
We'd love to get your comments and questions on this kōrero. We'll be hosting a follow up webinar later this month to go into more depth on what was discussed, so any questions you have, please leave them here.
Thanks to Creative New Zealand, Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi and Auckland Live for their support.