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Discussions on arts, creativity and wellbeing – policies and panels


Discussions on arts, creativity and wellbeing – policies and panels

Can the arts and creativity help address significant national concerns about mental health, social inclusion, aging populations, and social and cultural inequalities?

These questions being asked by a range of stakeholders both in New Zealand and internationally, and are being pulled into sharp focus with New Zealand’s new Living Standards Framework. In June Treasury released a discussion paper on Cultural Wellbeing and plan to review their Living Standards Framework in 2021 with the jury out on whether culture should represent a separate ‘capital’ or should be embedded across the other domains. Creative New Zealand’s recent Statement of Intent (Section: Links to government priorities) articulates how the arts contributes to the wellbeings identified in the Living Standards Framework. And across the ditch the Cultural Development Network is supporting local government to better plan and evaluate how arts and cultural activity deliver across the four wellbeings.


Watch the discussion:


Image: Minister of Finance and Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Grant Robertson chairs a panel discussion on Arts and Wellbeing at the NZ Portrait Gallery. Panellists: Richard Benge (Arts Access Aotearoa), Aroha Rangi (Creative NZ), Sue Orr (Write Where You Are), Tānemahuta Gray (Taki Rua) & Stephanie Clare (Age Concern NZ).


Discussions on arts, creativity and wellbeing – policies and panels


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