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ANZACATA Creative Gathering symposium

ANZACATA Creative Gathering symposium


The Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association held their annual symposium for creative arts therapists to network and rejuvenate in an environment that facilitates the exchange of ideas. The symposium provided opportunities to share knowledge and creativity with one another; friends and family, and with the wider public.


From the ANZACATA Board:

What a creative gathering it was too!

The 2019 ANZACATA Creative Gathering symposium was a huge success. Held at the beautiful UQ St Lucia campus, Brisbane blessed us with fabulous weather and the locals helped host an event to be remembered.

Some of the highlights were:

  • The moving Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony with a heartfelt karanga and waiata in kiwi response.

  • The extremely high calibre and diversity of the many workshops, presentations and activities offered by members and guests from Australia, Aotearoa, Singapore, Malaysia, Russia and the UK. As Donna McDonald, a presenter, observed from attending many sessions:

  • “The younger emerging generation of arts therapists…have so much wisdom with their bracingly fresh perspectives, especially on the rich interdisciplinary potentials for arts therapies.”

  • On the Saturday afternoon a Festival of Creative Wellbeing was held which provided a spacious scene of communal creativity that it provided symposium goers and general public with a choice of many activities ranging from making a courage doll, to gilding rocks, from learning indigenous dance to marbling, from sgrafitto to the tranquil poetry garden.

The event was closed in the ANZACATA tradition with Brisbane Playback Theatre providing participants with the opportunity to have their experiences of the weekend shared at the closing plenary.

To learn more about ANZACATA and the symposium visit the  ANZACATA website.


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