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About Te Ora Auaha

Te Ora Auaha is an open national network of individuals, organisations and collectives that are interested in the relationship between creativity and wellbeing. Our members work across diverse disciplines and contexts including the arts, health, education, community, social care, local government, research and policy environments. We are united by a vision of a healthier, more flourishing Aotearoa New Zealand through arts, culture and creativity, and seeing these valued as vital contributors to health and wellbeing for everyone.


We know from our own work and from a rich and research base that arts, culture and creativity contribute powerfully to individual and community wellbeing. They enrich our everyday lives, connect our communities, help us to describe and make sense of our work and are a very impactful resource in health contexts. Our aim is to work together to nurture a thriving, innovative, inter-disciplinary field of practice supported by research, leadership and advocacy.

Sina - Ululau Ama (Māpura Studios)

Our areas of work

- Strategic leadership and advocacy.

- Generating and sharing evidence and resources.

- Connecting and strengthening the diverse communities of practice across Aotearoa and internationally.

Our guiding pou

- Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, our unique bicultural context, and the values and principles of Te Ao Māori and Ngā Tangata Tiriti.

- Recognising Aotearoa’s geographical and historical position in Moana Oceania and the diverse cultures of the Pacific region.

- A holistic, relational and social conception of health and wellbeing which values mind, body, spirit, whanau; the interdependence of people, environment and our collective wellbeing.

- Understanding that health and wellbeing are dependent on social equity, social justice and self-determination.

Join us!

A key function of Te Ora Auaha is to connect and strengthen existing national allied networks and encourage the development of regionally-led arts, health and wellbeing networks.

We’d love you to join us if you’re interested in this field of work. Sign up to our newsletter at the link on the right or get in touch through our contact page to chat further.

Our alliance structure

Te Ora Auaha operates with key backbone support roles as well as a core group of members providing regular support. Its wider advisory network connects quarterly and inputs into strategy and work streams.

Backbone: Borni Te Rongopai Tukiwaho (Kaiārahi), Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi (communications, project management, administration).

Core advice and support: Dr. Molly Mullen, Amber Walls, Jamie Hanton

Advisory network: Briar Monro, Dr. Lucy D'aeth, Kim Morton, Asha Munn, Dr. Katherine Hall, Dr. Jeremy Mayall, Richard Benge, Amanda Levey, Angie Richardson.

Members: Wider Te Ora Auaha membership of individuals and organisations.

Download our Te Ora Auaha introduction guide here. 

Our current mahi is supported by Creative New Zealand and Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage.

Join the Te Ora Auaha mailing list for alliance updates and information.
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ARTS, HEALTH AND WELLBEING: Call to action hui, March 2017

ARTS, HEALTH AND WELLBEING: Maree Mills, Curator at Waikato Museums, at the call to action hui, March 2017

ARTS, HEALTH AND WELLBEING: Kim Morton, Manager of Ōtautahi Creative Spaces, at the call to action hui, March 2017

ARTS, HEALTH AND WELLBEING: brainstorming ideas at the call to action hui, March 2017


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