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Precarity, Creative Arts & Well-being Symposium

Precarity, Creative Arts & Well-being Symposium

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This symposium brings together scholars and arts practitioners to explore the role of the arts in relation to experiences of precarity and in enhancing well-being among precariat communities. Throughout the two-day symposium, we will share and advance creative approaches to working with these communities as well as innovative methods for researching and evaluating the impact of participatory arts on wellbeing.

When: 1 to 2 September 2023

Where: Massey University, Auckland

Venue: The Round Room, Atrium Building, Massey University, Albany Campus, East Precinct. Oteha.

Register here

Critical questions to explore

  • What roles do the arts play in relation to experiences of precarity?
  • How can the creative arts help to communicate the lived experience of precarity?
  • What needs to be considered (ethically) before using the arts to communicate such experiences?
  • What role might the arts play in addressing factors that contribute to precarity and advancing the rights of the precariat?
  • What innovative research methods can be used to understand the contribution of the creative arts to the well-being of precariat communities.

Keynote Speakers

Adrian Jackson

Shiloh Groot

Fran Kewene

Ying Wang


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